A school for black feminist worldbuilding and creative actualization.


Seeda School offers an annual membership supporting you with establishing and monetizing a creative practice in alignment with your values and deepest desires.

Join Us Inside The Treehouse

Fall 2024 Treehouse Syllabus


Finally, a school for black feminist worldbuilders.

Outlined in the syllabus is the next 3 months of Treehouse programming, supporting you with establishing a creative practice, releasing weekly, list-building dispatches and creating an income generating offer.

We recommend printing this one out and getting your highlighter and pen ready! She's juicy, full of citations and insights on creative practice.

Release a Creative Offer in 9 Weeks

Whether you're a multi-hyphenate returning to your creative practice or you're looking to seed a creative practice, the quarterly "Seed A World" retreat will help you get clarity on how your various skills and curiosities weave into an interdisciplinary practice funding a world of your own design.




Course Modules


Live Open Studios


Revenue Generating Offer

Fall 2024 Tuition


Payment Plans Available

$2,000 starting Winter 2025

  •  Seasonal 9-Week Creative Retreat
  • Weekly Offer Development Open Studios During Retreat Sessions
  • 9 Module Seed A World Course
  • The Worldbuilder’s Handbook
  • Monthly Live List Building Workshops
  • Monthly Live Open Studios for Weekly Dispatch Accountability
  • Monthly Workbooks for Creative Dispatches
  • Library of Black Feminist Breathwork Meditations
  • Seasonal Syllabus Guides for Practicing Black Feminist Worldbuilding
  • Seed A World Private Podcast
  • Worldbuilder's Way Private Podcast
  • Private Weekly Treehouse Newsletter
  • Seasonal Archival Are.na Channels
  • Discord Community of Global Worldbuilders

Join Us Inside The Treehouse


Your creative permission creates space for our collective imagination. Join us inside The Treehouse and learn how to access your creative desires, establish a public practice through weekly dispatches and release an income generating offer to fund your creative practice. The best part? You won't do any of it alone.

Let's Build New Worlds

A Creative Homecoming

Return to your creative practice, return to your creative spirit, return to yourself. How The Treehouse works...




Cultivate the nervous system level capacity to feel worthy of your deepest desires and learn to trust the financial viability of your creative practice. We remember our pleasure is not a safety hazard or a threat to our survival.




After, during, while cultivating a somatic sense of safety, worthiness and trust in your desire, you will establish a public creative practice through weekly dispatches. Nurture your audience while nurturing your desire.




Now that you have an active public practice and an engaged email list, we will support you in developing and marketing an income generating offer to fund your creative practice rooted in your desire.

Learn More About the Treehouse

Why World Building?


We know this place as the North Carolina Black River, they know it as Cykofa. A parallel universe suspended among past and future — where cornrows are cryptography keys, data farms are data forests, the weaving loom is a computer, cotton is encoded with freedom dreams, and chain link fencing from demolished prisons is used as architectural membrane woven with plant life. In Cykofa the trees have learned to communicate using the data Cykofians have encoded in the tree’s DNA and tree ring memory.

In 2021, Seeda School founder Ayana Zaire Cotton developed and self-published Cykofa: The Seeda Origin Story, an experimental speculative fiction novella told through the journal entries of a non-binary biotechnologist named Seeda and the found data within an ancient, 2,600+ year-old bald cypress tree named Cy. The people of Cykofa have traditionally hosted their data within the DNA of the trees, but what happens when Seeda discovers a rip in the dendrochronological memory, exposing select datasets from our world? 

Leveraging over a decade's worth of experience visioning and releasing interdisciplinary projects, today Ayana enjoys a transdisciplinary practice where she's able to braid opportunities in form of fine art and biotechnology residencies, software engineering fellowships, guest lecturing on design, invitations to be a keynote listener at creative conferences, acceptance into artist focused business incubator, institutionally sponsored writing retreats and more by using the framework of world building to weave and clearly communicate her constellation of skills, curiosities and offers.



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Listen to the weekly podcast "For the Worldbuilders" where we reflect on black feminist worldbuilding and creative actualization.


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Watch the weekly "For the Worldbuilders" podcast episodes on YouTube to get to know your Seeda School steward.


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