The Seeda Treehouse

A monthly creative accountability circle for practicing, learning, speculating in public and pressing “publish”.

Seed A Practice

Remember Your Desire


Join us as we locate the seed of your desire for your creative practice! In this upcoming Worldbuilding Workshop I will share my journey through my Zone of Validation, we use the Element X Quadrant to locate your Zone of Desire and finally walk through how the Worldbuilder's Way Framework will guide you through actualizing a creative life of refusal rooted in deep desire and collective liberation.


Register for the Worldbuilding Workshop

🛝 Tuesday, July 16th at 12pm EST. Join us to Remember Your Desire and learn more about the Treehouse!









Learn More About the Treehouse


Join us inside this community of practice anchored by the seasons where we meet monthly to engage in a practice of self-actualization rooted in collective liberation. Inside the Treehouse we host a Worldbuilding Workshop on the first week of every month and a Weekly Dispatch Open Studio on the third week of every month.

Worldbuilding Workshops



On the first week of every month we will gather for a workshop informed by The Worldbuilder's Way and engage in a writing prompt for seeding a weekly creative offering to release.

Weekly Dispatch Open Studio



On the third week of every month we will gather to engage in a show and tell style showcase of one of our weekly offerings for the month. Less of a critique session, more of a call and response ceremony informing the next offering.

The Treehouse Dashboard



Inside your Treehouse Dashboard you will find workshop, open studio and guided meditation recordings for black feminist breathwork alongside a link to the Treehouse Discord Server for checking in with fellow worldbuilders in between live gatherings.

The Worldbuilder's Way


Every month inside The Treehouse has a seasonal and monthly theme informed by The Worldbuilder's Way, a black feminist compass for navigating a creative practice that centers your desire.

“What if it is not an experiment, this creative life of refusal. This rarely institutionally-funded disloyal life of practice for a world as yet unnamable. This insistence on transformation when the bank account screams “conform.” What if this life as an independent experimental artist is not itself an independent experiment? What if it’s an interdependent ceremony?”

Alexis Pauline Gumbs

The Summer Syllabus


The seasonal programming inside the Treehouse is informed by a rotating theme of creative practice for black feminist worldbuilding. This summer is all about practicing a sankofa sensibility by returning to our ancestral stories. Register for the free upcoming worldbuilding workshop on Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 12PM EST to get the guide!


Join Us In The Treehouse!


Summer 2024 Open Enrollment: July 15th-July 29th


Monthly Payments Of


Cancel Anytime! đź–¤

  • Live Monthly Black Feminist Worldbuilding Workshops
  • Live Study Groups for Sharing Monthly Groundwork
  • Discord Community of Worlbuilders
  • Seasonal Syllabus Guides for Practicing Black Feminist Worldbuilding
  • Access to the Library of Monthly Black Feminist Breathwork Meditations
  • Access to Library of Past Worldbuilding Workshops and Study Groups
  • And more...
Enrollment Opens 6/15

See You Inside?


Plant seeds with us for as long as it feels fruitful. No minimum monthly commitment to join! Practice alongside us every first and third Tuesday at noon EST where we will vision worlds rooted in our desire for collective liberation and practice the reading, writing and mindfulness skills we'll need to actualize them.

Meet The Steward Behind Seeda School

Hi! I'm happy you're here. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ayana Zaire Cotton and I use she/they pronouns. I am a transdisciplinary memory worker and co-author of the non-linear, speculative fiction novella Cykofa: The Seeda Origin Story written during my Ginkgo Bioworks residency in collaboration with creative writing software I engineered at the Recurse Center. I am also the founder and steward of Seeda School, which hosts an online retreat for interdisciplinary practitioners making the revolution irresistible through worldbuilding. 

Leveraging over a decade's worth of experience visioning and releasing interdisciplinary projects, today I enjoy a transdisciplinary practice braiding projects and opportunities related to: black feminist research/praxis, biotechnology, studio art, photography, fashion, ceramics, abstract painting, learning experience design, facilitation, software engineering, creative entrepreneurship, divination and speculative fiction, using the framework of abolitionist worldbuilding.


The Seeda School Treehouse Is For You If...

You are wanting to seed a creative practice rooted in the political frameworks of black feminism, abolition and indigenous wisdom.

You feel your radical imagination being activated by the politics of our time and want to commit to a cadence of watering that imagination inside a community of practice.

You want to unlearn fear of accountability and become skilled at welcoming change and transformation with a toolkit and spirit of self-compassion.

You want to emerge from seasons of self-isolation, imagine new worlds rooted in collective liberation and, eventually, invite others to practice alongisde you.

You are craving communal ceremonies of rememberance. A consistent clearing for returning to your values and engaging in speculative practice aligned with your political commitments.

“You’re on the right path if you are intentionally trying to reduce the gap between your values and your actions.”

Mariame Kaba

Remember Your Desire


Join us as we locate the seed of your desire for your creative practice! In this upcoming Worldbuilding Workshop I will share my journey through my Zone of Validation, we use the Element X Quadrant to locate your Zone of Desire and finally walk through how the Worldbuilder's Way Framework will guide you through actualizing a creative life of refusal rooted in deep desire and collective liberation.

Register for the Worldbuilding Workshop

🛝 Tuesday, July 16th at 12pm EST. Join us to Remember Your Desire and learn more about the Treehouse!